Wednesday, July 9, 2014

The inaugural blog post

This is my first blog post and of course I want it to be fabulous, stupendous, extravagant, and insightful; in other words – perfect!  And if I waited for this post to achieve those characteristics, then it would never be posted.

Why write this blog? 

1.    I took a series of online courses recently and I miss the online writing.

2.    I recently started running, and something about running makes you think of stuff you want to write down.

3.    My “friends” on Facebook are tired of reading my “walls of text.”

Why am I calling it the “Running and Culinary Explorations” blog?

1.    I like the acronym.

2.    “The run eat and drink” blog didn’t quite encompass what I think most of my blogging will be about.

3.    It covers the basics of what I am going to blog about.

What am I going to blog about?

1.    Running – of course.  There are a lot of running blogs, most if not all written by people much faster and better at running than me.  Still, I need to write about my running experience.

2.    Gastronomical delights – I specialize in the art of smoking, curing, fermenting, making homemade pizza and pasta.  I like using fresh ingredients grown from my own garden (maintained by my loving wife.)  I also get free-range pork from a local farmer, and may be getting free range goat in the near future.  Will I like the taste of goat?  I love all types of fermented food and drink.  I’ve been brewing beer for over 20 years.  So you see the second part really is not just cooking, but about stuff I put in my mouth.

What are some blogs that inspired me to start blogging?

3. - a friend.

I like numbered lists.


  1. Yay, I'm your first commenter! Welcome to the world of blogging. I hope you get a lot of enjoyment out of the experience. I've made some good friends in the online world, an idea I once would have found ridiculous.

  2. It's good to see you are blogging. I'll be keeping up with the culinary part as that's my interest. Smoking, barbequeing, making my own sausage and bacon. As for the running I really don't do much of that as anyone can see by the looks of my shape (yes round is a shape).



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