Sunday, August 10, 2014

Back At It


So this week I was back at training.  This week was not to be a rest week, none of that wussing out and reducing my mileage...

After my usual Monday rest-day I decided to combine incline running (3%) and interval training on the tread mill.  This was not a good idea.  I mean, I even tried to compensate by reducing my run speeds to 5.2 mph and 6.7 mph.  I couldn't even maintain a 2:1 ratio, it was so sad.  The next several days featured very sore calves.

On Wednesday I knocked out my typical 10k, but it was not an easy 10k.   Did I mention my calves hurt?

On Thursday I decided to try just flat interval training at the lower speeds of 5.4mph and 6.8mph.  Nope, my body was not having it.  I wasn't able to get to the running until later in the day (~5:30pm) and the unusual time, combined with sore calves did not make for a good running experience.

I knew I wouldn't be able to get to running until later on Friday.  Work related activity kept me busy from early in the morning.  So I planned on an hour of treadmill work at the gym in the afternoon.  I looked at my current paces for 5 and 10 kilometer and set a speed close to these using the interval training button again.  I really find treadmill work boring, particularly for more than half an hour.  Treadmill running at only a single speed is particularly boring so I always try to use the interval button.  My thought with the 5k and 10k paces was that I would stay close to my lactate threshold during the run.  This worked out pretty well although I wasn't able to hold the 5k pace for any more than widely dispersed 2 minute intervals.  I was completely drenched at the end of this run.  During the post run stretch I pulled my foot back to my gluteals, and sweat from my leg and my femoral region combined to create a continuous stream of sweat onto the treadmill belt.  It created a puddle.  I hope nobody thought I was micturating.  Given the relatively slow pace I was keeping myself at, and supposed ease of treadmill running, I was left wondering once again if my gym's treadmills were really properly calibrated.  I've read a lot of internet articles that claim treadmill running is easier and faster than road running.  This has not been my experience.

On Saturday I did elliptical cross training for 40 minutes which equates to 4 miles with the 5 minute cool down.  Normally elliptical work is pleasant, particularly at the relatively easy pace I was keeping it at, and in comparison to running, not today.

And so today (Sunday) arrives and I do my long run.  I chose a different route out a long country road with decent scenery on the way out for my run.  I planned on 12.7 miles.  Given how the week had been I had trepidations about being able to do the distance.  I even asked my wife to keep her cell phone handy in case I needed rescuing.  The run went without a hitch.  I even kept an 11:00 minute per mile pace, which is a new PR for this kind of distance.

Total week mileage ~34 to be generous.  I did mention I wasn't going to see 40+ mile weeks for a bit.  I really want to focus on incline and interval training to try to improve my speed.


I'm in a pasta zone right now.  I had lots of ragu sauce left over from my previous post and made another batch of fresh pasta for it on Wednesday.  I cut the noodles thinner.  It didn't quite turn out as spectacularly as the previous effort, but it was still very good.

I had some hickory smoked steaks (New York strip) from Monday and decided to make stroganoff sauce for more pasta on Saturday.  I call it stroganoff because it has beef, sour cream and pasta.

I usually do this with left over steak, preferably 2 steaks, although one large steak works.  I've made sauces using undiluted sour cream, but the following recipe is what I usually prefer.
1/2 onion (~1/2 cup) finely minced
2 cloves of garlic finely minced
6 ounces of diced mushrooms
1 tablespoon butter
2 tablespoons flour
Milk (~2 cups? see below)
12 ounces of sour cream

Sauté the onions and garlic in the butter until soft.  Add in the steak (cubed) and mushrooms.  Cook until well done and most of the water has evaporated.  Sprinkle in the flour and mix well.  Add milk until you get a loose gravy like consistency.  You want it more liquid because the sour cream will thicken it up.  Fold in the sour cream and warm to just shy of simmering.  Put on pasta (preferably fresh) and enjoy.  We steamed a couple of beets from a local farmer for our side dish.


  1. Your recipe sounds divine. I've not had stroganoff in ages.

    Thinking about your running brings to mind my walking. I've got something wrong with my toe for the last month perhaps. Pain on top of the toe, mostly. Did I strain something doing lunges? I don't know. I probably need new walking shoes, which makes me wonder if I might like some similar to the ones you got, or if those are more specific to running.

  2. Running shoes make excellent walking shoes. I really like my Saucony Stabils for walking. BTW, Charity miles ( also gives to the charity of your choice for walking and biking.

  3. I settled on a new pair of MBTs, after my PT said the issue could very well be very tight calves. The inverse direction of them (heels lower than the rest of the foot) might very well help. I think they're crap for running, but good for walking. I've read that while running shoes make excellent walking shoes, the opposite is not generally correct.



 Wallace at Stirling Bridge aka Wally, Footboy,  Booboo, Mister Blondie, Bubby, Knucklehead, Goofball, Salt to Poppy's Pepper. Age 12, b...