However, I wasn't quite willing to go down the 6mm road for this project. I didn't want to deal with yet another scale of buildings. I'm still trying to work something out for my 28mm buildings. But I had acquired 10mm buildings for my 15mm World War 2 battles. The solution became obvious. So far I've orders some figures from both Pendraken and Good Ground.
My first attempt at basing:

Seems a bit scant, more like a skirmish line. So I stripped the bases (Litko) and tried again.

This will take me longer to paint, but I think I can manage 2 units a week. I'm hoping to put on the battle of Perryville sometime in the spring. The ultimate goal will to be able to recreate Gettysburg.
I'm not sure how long I will play Altar of Freedom. It is not solo friendly, and it just doesn't seem to have the same level of excitement as Piquet - no surprises there (pun intended).
You can see the Numidians in the background getting ready for their new 80x60mm base.