I even used the nice cards.

Pharaoh meets the Hittite emperor in a nice flat valley, betwixt a river and some hills.

The initiative went to the Egyptians and they moved forward with alacrity.

However, the Hittites draw first blood with some opportunity sling fire! Or perhaps I should say first skull.

The murderous volleys continue, it is not looking good for the Egyptian archers.

Chariots collide, but Egyptian bow fire does little.
Some light Syrian bow try to get in the way of some Shardana guards. Perhaps not the best idea.

A Hittite chariot on the West Flank is destroyed. What are those spearmen doing back there?

The relentless Guadsmen with some help from a unit of Egyptian spearmen push forward, throwing skirmishers flying, and the skulls mount!

Some unengaged Hittite spearmen and some tribal skirmishers.

A Syrian prince. The Syrians formed a fairly large proportion of the Hittite army (5/13 units).

A little give and take between chariots on the east flank.

Some Hittite spear, battered, but still holding - a very strong unit.

Egyptian chariots against a very hurt Hittite chariot, and with support, still can't lock in the kill.

But then a second melee card was turned...

Egyptian spearmen charging that strong Hittite unit.

The Hittite chariots on the west flank are no more. Now only this lone Hittite guard unit defends the Emperor, and it is a beast!

However, Egyptian bow fire finds a chink in their armor.

The relentless Shardana guardsmen meanwhile press their attack.

The Egyptian chariots on the East flank mop up the Syrian chariotry. The Syrian prince is vulnerable.

An army morale check card turned next and the Hittites routed.
The Egyptians only loss two archer units featured in the first few pictures above. The units I refer to as the "Priest" archers.
This is technically a modified Pulse of Battle. Few rulesets survive unaltered in my house.